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Sunday, June 18, 2023


What your emotions are telling you:


Shows you were you need to heal, where you're still holding judgements on others and yourself.


shows you where you're living in the past and not allowing the present to be as it is.


Shows you that you need to pay attention right now to what is happening, because you're being given the opportunity to change, to do something different than you typically do it.


Shows you that you're passionate about, where your boundries are, and what you believe needs to change about the world.


Shows you that you tried for something, that you did not give in to apathy, that you still care.


Shows you that you're still living life in other people's expectations of what you should do.


shows you that you're internalizing other people's beliefs about who you should be 9or whoyou are) and that you need to reconnect with yourself.


shows you that you need to wake up, right now, and that you need to be present, that you're stuck in the past and living in fear of the future.


Shows you the depth of your feelings, the depth of your care for others and this world.


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