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Tuesday, June 13, 2023


Decided to try and grow a pineapple plant. Taking a store bought pineapple, removing its top and going through the process of planting to see what happens and if I can actually grow one from a store  bought item.

 Started an album with pics as I go.. apparently its a long process up to a year and half or more to actually bear a fruit depending on conditions, etc.. But going to see what happens.. lol.

Follow the Pineapple:

Top removed, simply twist and pull, comes right off.
Removed lower 1/3 of leaves to expose the skin and future roots.

Let air dry for two-three days to heal and encase the roots. Once dry and a whiteish color, its ready for transplanting. This is following day after removal. You can see the roots that are exposed and eagerly awaiting growth.

Once dried/healed you can either water grow or soil grow, depending on your choice. The idea is to get roots established and healthy for transplant, but can be transplanted directly as long as the ball is healed and dry.

Pineapples do NOT like wet soil, they are actually in the succulent family, so watering about once every 7-10 days is plenty.

Tracking progress: Day-1 in water jar 6/14/23.

While establishing roots, avoid direct sunlight, place on a sill or somewhere it can get indirect light until roots are established and healthy, afterwards, when ready to transplant, place in direct sunlight as they require about 6 hours/day to be happy and fruitful. Water was changed every two days.

UPDATE: 6/26/23

Roots have developed and into the pot it goes...

                                                                   Potted today 6/26/23
                                                                   We'll see what happens!

Well it has been 6months now and here we stand...

It has survived and is still growing nicely. It will not bear any fruit this year but with any luck at all next year I should see a nice one forming.

So proof that yes you can in fact grow them from just the tops of the plant.


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