:::: MENU ::::
WELCOME.. Sit, relax have a ☕. Drop me a message and let me know you were here. Follow the Pineapple 🍍 too!

 We are avid coffee drinkers and anyone that knows us can testify to that fact..lol. As such, we are in need of purchasing a vehicle such as a van and or truck in order to haul items to and from pick up and drop off places for our business venture. Currently on no income, denied SSDI, and are attempting to start a business so that we can contribute to our community and be productive adults. A good majority of any donations will be used for the purchase of coffee's, however a percentage will also be put toward our goal of purchasing a vehicle. Just wanting to keep it real and honest folks..

There is no set amount that needs to be donated, however as a guide I have listed the following.. All donations go through our Paypal account and will be collected at  ( paypal.me/MPNE )

Just click the banner and it will take you to the corresponding page.

Anything you can give is greatly appreciated. I didn't want to go through the hassle of doing a Go-Fund Me page, so feel free to share and let others know of our campaign and drive every donation helps us toward our goal, which in turn, helps us help our community via our business Triple-R, 2nd Chance.

Thank you in advance, your donations are greatly appreciated and should we meet, coffee is on us!

These are totals not recurring amounts, 

(unless you want them to be in which case we will gladly accept them.)


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