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Tuesday, September 12, 2023


The house is finally getting painted after several months of waiting and pissing off the HOA.. No fault of ours though. Here are all the cracks found along the back side of the house. All patched and ready for paint. Filled a couple on the sides as well but has yet to do the front side which is worse than the back I am sure. Currently repairing some shotty drywall work on the porch ceiling. For whatever reason the tried to screw it up there and completely missed the beams with the screws so nothing was really holding it up in spots other than the existing paint, and of course the cracks started showing up and getting bigger over time, so....And instead of using the appropriate type of drywall, they just used the same as the interior and that doesn't work in the temps and weather conditions Florida has, but what can ya do, Not replacing an entire ceiling so patching as best that can be done. 

More as we get along...

Day -3 paint started:
interior/exterior porch done, Started the above section of back wall then weather halted it.

Day 4 and the entire back side is now done as well the two sides, front is patched and ready for paint. 

Liking the porch color a lot better than that awful terra-cotta orange.

Painter took weekend off as it was his birthday so hopefully tomorrow, Monday it will be finished all around, we'll see.


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