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Wednesday, May 10, 2023

  You have fought the almighty battles, All that's left, broken bones and rattles..

Within the hills, and through the clatter, you often wonder.. does it matter.

For to feel the pain, there must be gain, Thou hast survived, through yet another.

Feats of strength, for fear of nothing, you march onward, as though a herd..

sharing your spirit, but not of word.

Grueling at times, euphoric at others, Strengths from within, combined with your might..

Prepare you.. for this final fight.

From darkness you emerge, ready to go, prepared to watch, the spirit flow..

The other side, fights not fair, welcome to.. The dragon's lair.

Victory is yours, express euphoria, Hence you are known..

 as the Mystic Warrior.

©LaPoint,F. 2006


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