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Friday, July 7, 2023


The same nice lady that had given me her plants the other day messaged me again yesterday. She was determined that I was going to take more plants from her.lol.

I was going after a couple Bromeliads and a couple snake plant cuttings, and per usual I came home with 4 Bromeliads, this Aloe Yucca, with two adults and a couple pups, 5 Snake plants, and a handful or should I say a potful of Spider plants. She also threw in a couple terracotta pots and plates.. My back porch is being over taken..lol. From the Cacti I received I have already separated a few, and by a few I mean at least a dozen and the process is and will be ongoing for the summer I guess. At some point I need to prep the front area for the garden but I have been to busy dealing with the plants..

We will be heading to Maine for the end of the month for about a week to clear up my medical appointments that have been scheduled, and to do a presentation for PIH..Debs new LLC adventure. We are doing a presentation here in Cocoa today as well. My concern is the plants..lol. Our daughter has anything but a green thumb. So what will I return to.? I will have to baby them and prep them all before we leave and hope for the best, as well hope we don't get any nasty weather while we are gone. We'll see and hope for the best.


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