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Friday, June 2, 2023


Do you have any maple trees near you? I grew up surrounded by them, born and raised in Vermont. If so, you might have noticed them forming their seeds, called samaras.  It is a papery winged sheath with a seed inside.  Most of us have played with these helicopter-like seeds as children, I know I did. But did you know that if you remove the outer covering, you can find an edible seed inside? 

 When the seeds are young and green in the spring, they are known to be the most pleasant tasting.  Some say they taste like peanuts. You can sprinkle them into a salad or stir fry, or mix them with mashed potatoes.  

Since different types of maples produce Samara Fruits at different times of the year in certain areas, seeds might be available for harvest and consumption for an extended period. The seeds can be eaten raw, roasted, or boiled if they seem bitter.  Dried seeds can be ground into a flour.  A general thought is-the larger the seed, the more bitter, the smaller the seed, the sweeter tasting.  

Maple seeds contain vitamins, with a high content of β-carotene. Or, you can just play with these little helicopters!


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