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Friday, June 9, 2023


To reclaim the patio and the pavers out there. The weeds and time have taken over recently. I haven't spent enough time trying to keep up with it and now I have too..If I ignore it any longer, they will disappear within the weeds. Sooo, I guess my day and possibly the weekend will be dedicated to cleaning up this mess. Unfortunately a simple run through with the Weed Wacker is not the solution, wish it were, but they just keep coming back, so I need to get to the roots and remove all that I can and possibly add some chemicals to deter growth. I'm trying not to have to use stuff like Round-Up or similar. Would rather keep it as natural as possible. Might consider also doing a harsh power wash to try and clean up the individual pavers and bring 'em back to newer looking condition. Will post the after pics to compare.


Day 1 progress, all pulled by hand..grrr. that was a lot more weeds and grass than I anticipated, but its done for now. Might still hit it with some round up and pressure wash the pavers, just to make it a bit cleaner and tidy looking.

Still looking for the right plants to put into the white rock squares I made. Looking for something that grows about 3-31/2 feet and red...easy maintenance and can tolerate the amount of rain we get in the early summer.


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