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Thursday, June 15, 2023


Most people have never heard the word “pluviophile.” It’s not a commonly used word, but it’s interesting. Pluviophile is defined as (n) "A person who enjoys rain and rainy days, and who is fascinated by the sights, sounds, etc., of rain. Those who find peace in the rain." That might not mean much to most people, but it means a lot to those who love the rain.

To us (rain lovers), there’s something special about rainy days that others might not understand. We revel in the sound of rainfall and enjoy walking in the rain. We’re happy when it rains and wouldn’t want it any other way. If you’re a pluviophile, you know what I’m talking about.

Most people know what it means to be a fan of the rain. They might open their windows to feel the fresh air and hear nature’s soothing noises. Some might take a walk during a light rain shower. A few might even run in the rain. But are they pluviophiles? Probably not, because most people have no idea what Pluviophile means.

Pluviophile can be interpreted in many ways, but for the most part, it means that someone enjoys the weather conditions associated with rainfall and finds beauty in storms and clouds.

To some people, being a pluviophile is a way of life; it’s more than just enjoying the rain; it’s about appreciating all of nature’s offerings. And to others, it’s simply a term used to describe an individual with an affinity for rainfall. No matter how you look at it, being a pluviophile is pretty cool 🙂


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