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Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Looking kind of rough, only seen one flower this year as apposed to several last year. Its either time to repot or maybe give it a trim.

Think I will attempt to trim it, especially the tall branch. By trimming I am hoping it will encourage it to grow a few new branches and kind of fill it in some. It need some new growth regardless.
I will take the cutting/s and attempt to propagate them as new plants as well.

I tied back the branches last year to try and shape it some, so I will release those as well and see if they stay put or just bounce back to where they were.

Wish me luck, I have never trimmed one of these before so hopefully I don't kill it off. 🌺

Trimmed  off the upper branch from the tall stalk. The caudex was looking sad and somewhat soft in a couple spots which usually indicates the plant is dying off, so I trimmed off the bad/soft spots treated with a fungicide.

Grafted the cutting to see if I could save it and generate some new growth in a different direction. We'll see what happens. I was really hesitant to do any cutting at all, but in order to give it a chance, I figured I better try or loose it anyway.

I will update again if I see any changes over the next week or two.


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