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Saturday, July 1, 2023

 Been a productive but tiring few days here at the homestead. Temps have been in the 90+ range with feel likes around the 103-107 range. Managed to power wash all the pavers in the front and back yard, as they were getting kind of disgusting and black and had slime, and algae all over them. Also hand plucked so much grass and weeds from the cracks and crevices that my fingers are sore as hell at the moment. Just finished mowing the yard, figured I would do it in the evening as it wouldn't be so hot and humid... WRONG, guess again. my co0re temp is so hot right now my glasses keep fogging up every three seconds. But It is starting to look a little better around here when its cleaned up.. Still have to do something with the front area were I removed all the shrubs, just has been way to hot for much of anything.. So that might be a prep thing from now into the fall months and an early spring planting chore.

Time for a cold ass shower to remove the grub, and relax a bit before calling it a day. Positive side... I don't have to do it tomorrow..lol.

Front pavers on both sides of the driveway. Grass and weed free for now.

Looks like I forgot the actual driveway though, oops guess I will be doing it tomorrow after all. Grrr also trimming the edge and cleaning that up as well.

Still need to weed out the back pavers anyway, but they are already pressure washed and ready to go accept the last coupe rows as my hose wasn't long enough.

Mondays project is to remove the white stone, get rid of the weeds, and put down a barrier, and recover with clean stone. This is were I intend to place a couple tall plants to bring a bit of color and life to the back patio area outside.


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