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Monday, July 3, 2023

 The clump of Aloe in the center was my target today as I met with a woman that had sold her home and wanted to rehome her plants. So naturally I snapped at the opportunity and figured I could propagate many from that as there were what appeared as 7-8 adult plants on there.

I swear within 15 minutes she had loaded my car.. My trunk was full, my backseat was full and the passenger side of the front bore two large pots of cacti...lol. Apparently she had sold her home and now lives on a boat with her husband and couldn't take along her treasured plants. She kept offering take this one, take that one, etc. etc. and lordy I came home with a garden...lol.

OK, without any separation or propagation I ended up with the following:

Aloe: large pot with 8 adults, haven't even looked for pups yet.

3 medium sized pots, 

9 smaller pots.


An Organ pipe Cactus approx. 14 inches tall.

1 lg. pot of cacti at least 10 pups including the mother plant

1 med. cactus with 4 large pups, and several small ones just starting.


1 medium sized Purple Heart


1 long sweet potato plant


2 medium sized Blushing Bromeliads total of three plants.


1 large snake plant


1 huge spider plant with several hanging babies already.

1 medium sz. spider plant and 

4 small all with babies as well.

She also tucked two wrought iron stands as well.

Almost forgot within the small spider plants there are also what appear to be tomato plants as well around 6 or 7.

So far I have only divided one of the medium pots of Aloe

3 adult plants, & 31 pups from one med. pot, The adult here had some serious rot going on and I basically lopped it in half and stripped the leaves and will repot it once it has healed. The other two I left alone in the original pot to keep doing what they seem to be really good at.. lol.

I also am propagating 5 of the cacti here.. and I have the battle scars to prove it.. I am sure there will be a lot more down the road.
 Safe to say I will be busy down the road... anyone need any Aloe.. lol.

Guess I should be, and am grateful to this nice lady considering what she offered and gave me. I would hate to put a price tag on these plants from a nursery or big box store like Home Depot, etc.

Never underestimate the kindness in others. I simply posted an ISO for plants on Facebook and viola..


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