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Sunday, June 4, 2023


This is Fern Meadows, our neighborhood here in Cocoa. While driving through it may not seem to be of a vast area, but when looking at it from this aerial view, its quite a large community area. sporting a tennis court, area park, three waterways, as well as the beautiful Lake Poinsett / St Johns river in the backdrop, plenty of wildlife and a nice quiet community in most instances. Only real complaints thus far is that the HOA is a real pain to deal with most days. Always finding fault with something, house needs painting, yard needs clean up , etc. Typical HOA though, always wanting to run someone's life and cost them money. So far its been a great residential area, neighbors are friendly, quiet for the most part, aside from the occasional jerk that wants to stir up something... usually sound or noise levels. be it a stereo, a 4 wheeler, or loud exhaust from their vehicle. but all in all.. its a nice neighborhood considering its size.

Was doing a google maps search and found our home back in April 2011 and again April 2023. Everything is so grown up in the neighborhood and surrounding area. Must have been a fairly new but established community back then.

Working on bringing it back to close to the 2011 look. Clearing shrubs, and considering new flower beds, etc. Wish the HOA would allow us to drop the tree though, it just keeps killing off the grass. Would like to take it down and replace it with a much smaller version. Believe it or not that was all new sod less than a year ago, and its already dying off due to the tree shading and dropping its leaves, its a real pain in the ass.

There is a much larger one in the back of the house that definitely needs a trim or it will soon be leaning and or falling due to its overgrown size and weight of the branches. Again the HOA requirements will not allow us to remove the tree, but I think we might be able to get away with it if we replace it with a smaller version as well. We have seen several in the neighborhood take theirs down, some have yet to even replace them.


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