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Friday, September 22, 2023


You can tell when its fall in Florida simply by looking at license plates as you drive around. The colors of fall are on the rear of most vehicles..lol. All kidding aside, the tourism industry begins to boom as the snowbirds and others begin to filter in as evidenced by he numerous differences in license pates seen throughout the state.

As we say goodbye to those humid summer days with slightly lower temps its a welcome reprieve from sweltering temps, damp humidity and sticky, sweltering bodies. I am not complaining at all, as I wouldn't trade these days for the cold, snowy north. I believe I have settled into my comfort zone here in Florida. Can't beat the porch sitting in November thru Feb or March without shivering my ass off or having to worry about shoveling out the driveway, etc. No more having to be sure there is oil in the tank for heat, etc. Anyway I could go over all the pro's & con's but I will spare you and myself, you get the gist of it anyway.


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