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Sunday, May 28, 2023

The front yard was starting to look like crap and getting overgrown. So spent most of the day doing yard work, trimming the lawns edges and decided it was time for a change. So the shrubs (not all) but most got removed and we plan to put in a flower bed instead. It opens up the front wall and window a great deal. Need to figure a way to get rid of the green stain on the windows sill and wall from the plants rubbing in the wind. Its like a grass stain..lol. But I think it will look a great deal better when done.

Just when I thought I was done for the day:

Had the bejeezers scared outta me..was pulling up a root and this f'in thing popped up out of the ground..lol jumped my heart a couple beats.. Nice to know it still works just fine...grrrr.

Damn thing is plastic and about 4 inches long... but in the moment it was 10 inches long and scary as hell.!


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