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Wednesday, July 12, 2023


This poor Mexican Mint was looking rough as hell.. Yellowing leaves, dried tips, etc. and the soil was marginal at best and too compacted to let the roots thrive.

So re-potting time.. 07/12/23 did the deed, gave it a good shacking to clear the roots without damaging any that were still viable, washed the pot, placed in new well draining soil mix and gave it a bit of light. Well see if she can bounce back and be healthy yet again.

I also have one in a large pot out front that is absolutely thriving at this point and growing like crazy, I am hoping this one cam bounce back and then I can propagate from both of them. 

What started out as a single plant has now expanded into 5 individuals. I am hoping to fill this pot with off shoots and new growth this summer and nurse the small one back into a condition where it too will create pups and off shoots.


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