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Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Within these walls: a family we'll raise, Guide through life, give them praise. From infant to toddler, toddler to teen, We are but pillars, for them to lean.. 

Teaching the difference, of wrong from right, Read them a story, kiss them goodnight..

 Strengthening their lives, more each day, As we watch them grow and play...

 We teach them strength, and independence, from combing their hair, to learning to share..

 For our role, as a parent, Is one of love, not resentment.. 

Approaching soon, the day to fly, When we stand, and say goodbye.. 
To lives of their own, to soon they move, Some to marry, some to schools...

 ​Encouraging them, to do their best, We hope and pray, for their success.. Within these walls, we have a treasure, We raised a family, what a pleasure...



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