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Tuesday, October 11, 2022

(Not this time..I win Again)

October 12, 2022

 Well, back in the hospital again, additional Stent put in. Now complicated by heavy blood in urine. Did ultrasound, waiting results. Feeling like crap as there are strong abdominal cramps. Joy, joy, joy. Been here 2 1\2 days already

Had a tri-fecta. Heart issue, requiring another stent #5 (original reason for hospitalization) Lg.clot they said the size of a hockey puck..in bladder leading to gross hematuria,(issue exploded the following morning) requiring a surgical scraping to break it up, and the gall-bladder was acting up. To compound all these issues, the catheter was to small to allow flow of the clots and required an upgrade in size. Even then the clots were still to big and required constant flushing of the catheter creating some massive PAIN, so much so that I bent both rails on the bed repeatedly. This went on for about 48 hours with flushing about every 20-30 minutes and the spasm where way to frequent and compounded the pain greatly. Spent another 5 days in hospital and another two weeks out of hospital attached to a leg catheter bag, a not so fum experience.

 Never did figure out what was causing the clotting to begin with.??? As for the gall-bladder they wanted to remove it due to stones however were unable to do a surgery because with the stent came a second blood thinner so now on double platelet therapy.



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