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Wednesday, May 10, 2023

 It doesn't seem right, to be full of rage, with so much hate within this world already,

For I too, sympathize with those behind walls, they stay huddled in the darkness, fearing the coming light..

What's to look forward to I ask. You speak to me in your passing, but pay no mind to my cries. You give a morsel, pacified, you walk away.

Left alone to my thoughts of better days of long ago, I perch upon whatever is near, maybe curl up in the corner, for I have no dignity, my purpose here.. is one of display, for some others ignorance.

You put me here for unknown reasons, maybe I was weak, maybe to strong, and maybe it's your cowardice on display. I was captured, tortured, and taken from my home, forced to yield, or be beaten more.

Why am I full of rage I ask, why indeed..

Loneliness, discomfort, deplorable conditions for a start. I use to be free, free to roam. Now I have a cell, minimal space for my soul and time. Maybe they are right, for with all this rage, maybe I do belong..

After all, I am an animal, an animal full of rage, because you put me here... Here in this cage, Questioning Myself.

©LaPoint, F. 2006


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