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Wednesday, May 10, 2023

 These feet have traveled; many a mile, Leaving a path; of broken tile. The ground I tread; has turned to dust, For adventure I truly lust..

Always walking; moving forward, First this direction; then to that. Packing gear; loosing thought, Through this land I do trot..

Careful to leave; no selfish marks, On the fields edge; singing larks. Up the hill; I do trudge, For this mountain; shall not budge..

Through this desert; barren land, Painful cacti; thorn in hand. Under the stars; I do sleep, Rekindling the past; I do weep..

These eyes have seen; much despair, What is this fragrance in the air? Could it be; a vision within, As I struggle to begin.

A new day dawns; the sun rises, Looking forward; to new surprises..

So these feet; continue to wander, Through valley and hill; to where I ponder,

There is no destination; I have in mind, Only to travel; wander alone. To see all there is; in this land, Before I am forced; to play my hand..

My life here; is a stitch in time, I do so wish; to see it all, Remembering every mile..

As I continue; this journey of mine, Taking a moment; stealing time, Enjoying this bounty; it brings a smile, As I trudge my final mile..

Its time to sleep; my final slumber, Having walked throughout these lands, My journey complete; its time to rest, For in God's Hands, I feel best.

©LaPoint, F. '2003


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