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Wednesday, May 10, 2023


 We live in a world of mixed generations, Bound we are to have frustrations.

Decisions and choices, we will make, May determine our lifelong fate..

From old to young, young to old, We pass on our wisdoms, from stories told.

For if we find, a common place, We will be, in a better space..

Young and old, we are the same, As we play this lifelong game.

Even though, some resist, There are those who insist..

Our elders have time and wisdom, It is on their side.

Now the younger generation, a choice you must decide..

Be we wrong, or be we right, There will always be this plight.

Somethings come easy, others you earn, Take their wisdom, use what you learn..

Pass it on down, you know there will be, Another generation, coming to thee.

Looking for wisdom, wanting the knowledge, For it is them, we must acknowledge..

For in the future, our care depends, On that generation, not our friends.

Teach them honest, teach them well, For in our future, they will dwell...

©LaPoint, F.


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