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Wednesday, May 10, 2023


It is a dream, to clear these halls, To much pain, for many children..

We have one vision; for all who dwell within this place.

The weak, the weary, so many cheated; Their lives tormented..

Asking why, there is no reason, to have to say goodbye, to our children..

 From your gift, a life you may save, Your money, your time, is so little..

To give this child just a little.

Bits of progress, sharing hope, How can you just sit there and say nope?

So much depends, on your compassions, for this little ones, life and passions..

To spare the pain, and see the smile, your donation can take us miles.

No more pain, only joy, Give what you can, to save this little girl or little boy..

Ill they are, its not there fault, Only know what you do; can take them far..

For cure is on the horizon, hope in every eye.

Let's not let, another child die, Give of yourself, think of your own..

Let's not let them , feel alone.

©LaPoint,F. 2004

Note: I composed this after watching a St. Judes fund drive many years ago, and this is dedicated to the Children's Hospital and Cancer Treatment Centers.


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