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Wednesday, May 10, 2023

 From deep within, these starlit skies, What should appear, before my eyes,

Maybe a constellation, a comet or two, maybe a bright star, that shines on thru.

The wonder of it all, keeps us guessing, You know it's true,

Like waves upon the ocean, and it's bounty to..

For in this vast area we call heaven, under this umbrella, we are still all called brethren.

Sit upon the ground tonight, grab a friend, Sing a song, or read a book..

But whatever you do, be sure to look.

'Cause from these skies, come no lies, From up there, there are no ties..

Truly free to float about, or stand up , straight and stout.

From deep within, these starlit skies, What should appear before my eyes..

A vision of hope, the feel of peace, a pair of hands, lined with fleece, 

God's Hands.

©LaPoint, F. 2004

***Published In Hard Cover 

  "Celebration of Poetry" 2004  American Poets Society, ISBN 0-9743429-5-5


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