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Wednesday, May 10, 2023


Despondency of Flight, an Eagles view..

 To soar within these skies, The sights  seen below. The trees, the valley, the rivers flow,

Freely flying no destination, Among the clouds in heavens grace.. Timbering pines and natures yields, to see the mountain snow-caps, View the flowered fields, Is surely a vision; one to behold..

These eyes now see mans destruction, Over the land his destruction. For them to see with their eyes, What I see from these skies..

Granted no permission taking advantage, Our homes pushed back never to return, Lost freedom's is what we learned...

If man had wings, wings of his own, He too would see what's left of our home. Raped lands, polluted waters, What they pass on to sons and daughters..

Barren hills once of bounty, Open prairies, now dust bowls, Crystal waters once flowed free, Enjoyed by all including me..

The damage is done, what should we do? I can do nothing, it's up to you. From within your hearts, make right your wrongs, So this Eagle, will once again;

Sing his song over the lands...



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